Nov 24, 2010


If you know me, you know that family is the most important thing in my life (behind Jesus). This morning I got the sudden homesick feeling as it was getting closer to be able to see my family. I had planned on coming home Wednesday morning with my new friend Taylor. However, the opportunity arose for us to be able to drive home tonight. I took it immediately. By 6:30, we hit the road, and the excitement was taking over.

We headed out, and time couldn't go faster. We stopped only twice. Usually I start winding down at about 10 or so, but tonight I was wide awake (as you can see by the hour this blog is being written). We started approaching east Tennessee where I was greeted by mountains, street lights, and fancy strip malls. These things are very rare in west Tennessee. 

As we approached the barn, the roads were so familiar I was practically gliding. I parked the trailer, after a semi-crisis with wet grass and 2-wheel-drive, and unloaded the horse. I walked in the barn, and the sweet smells relaxed me at once. Little things laying around such as old boots, jackets and dusty saddles made me feel right at home. 

I tucked Cabella in, and drove to Loudon. The moment I walked in my house, my cat greeted me with a raspy meow. I was home. My mom's purse was where it always is. The remote controls were even where they should be. Little Debbie cakes were waiting for me. It was like I had never left. 

I just love how little things like throws on the couch, laundry in a basket and even coffee mugs in the sink can make you so happy to be home.

Leslie Alexander

1 comment:

  1. And I am SO glad you are here!!! Let the cooking and cleaning begin!!!
