Nov 17, 2010


This is my very first blog post. I made this page because I though I should do something productive instead of scrolling through random profiles on facebook. I am not asking anyone to read this, I am simply putting my thoughts on paper(or screen, if you will).

You may not know this about me, but I enjoy learning. If my attention span was bigger, I would read all the time. I love how the Lord gave us a mind to learn, analyze, solve, etc. I believe one of our duties as Christians is to use it. Just like he gave us a voice to sing, hands to make, a body to dance, our mind can be used as a form of worship also. And I find peace within it. Sometimes stress comes too, but altogether it brings me joy.

I am starting to discover this is part of my calling. God sent me here not just to make a career, but to find so much more within it. My friend Chelsea brought this to my attention when she was explaining how she was probably going to go back home next semester, due to financial issues. That same week, she woke up one morning and the only thing she wanted to do was stay at Martin. If she stayed, she would have to basically pay her way through college. Stressed out over how she was going to be able to do it, she got an email from Financial Aid giving her a random scholarship. Hello confirmation!

I think everyone is fit for an education. Everyone has the potential to learn. It just depends on how much you want to. If you have to take a class that pertains to nothing of your degree, find the positive in it. I will never use what I learn in Chemistry when I become a vet. It's just a bump in the road to go over. However, I love to learn about it because it's all about the logistics of His creation. What an honor to be able to learn about his creation. In a way, I am learning about God himself. I encourage everyone to get an education. Just like how we are called to practice all of the spiritual gifts in some way, the Lord calls us all to learn about him and the discoveries of his people.

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